No catch-up time during Nissan
"It's Nissan. There's no Tachanun during Nissan."
"Oh, yeah! I always forget. Thanks for reminding me!"
So for the entire month of Nissan, I won't have time during the Tachanun prayer to catch up and finish the Amidah prayer. Eek! By the time I finished the Amidah this morning, the rest of the minyan was halfway through the Aleinu prayer!
The irony is that Tachanun is not one of my favorite prayers, and, when davvening (praying) alone, I'm always happy to have an excuse to skip it.
For some reason Tachanun seems to be a prayer that its ok to hate. My Hassidish friends come up with the most obscure reasons to skip it (Yarhtzeit's, mostly). One non-hasidic rabbi described this dispprovingly by saying "We used to avoid saying Tachanun on occasions of rejoicing, now we rejoice when we don't say tachanun."
Also, Hassidim never say tachanun at mincha.
Neither do I, and I don't even have being a Chassid (Chassidit?) as an excuse. :)
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